


Trade and Investment Promotion

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The Ministry of External Relations' Trade and Investment Promotion Department carries out abroad the Brazilian foreign trade policy. The Department also develops, coordinates, and implements policies designed to promote Brazilian exports and to attract relevant foreign investment to Brazil.
In a globalized world, the Department endeavours to help foster Brazilian exports so as to integrate small and medium enterprises to the international marketplace.
The Department seeks to continually improve the services and resources it offers to the corporate community.
In order to develop its managerial and technical staff more efficiently, the Department comprises three specialized Divisions active in different fields of Trade Promotion:
The Trade Promotion Programs Division (DPG) coordinates the Focal Point  of the Investment promotion and Technology Transfer System (SIPRI), and is in charge of all technical aspects associated to BrazilTradeNet - the Ministry's foreign trade portal. DPG also deals with cooperation partnerships with other public and private organizations, administrative matters and the training of human resources.
The Trade Information Division (DIC) is responsible for the systematic collection of data on foreign trade and the preparation of regular report that are disseminated to the business community.
The Trade Promotion Operation Division (DOC) is in charge of trade missions, fairs, seminars, business rounds, and other promotional events both in Brazil and abroad. The Division also fosters tourism in Brazil.
The 52 Trade Promotion Bureaus abroad (the so-called "Secoms") act as the Department's "antennae". These Bureaus are in charge of gathering and disseminating data on business opportunities. They also assist Brazilian exporting firms looking for new markets competitors and help organize fairs, corporate missions and other events. In addition, the SECOMs develop market and product surveys, and analyse of competitiveness and competitors.
Brazilian Parliament

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Ministry of External Rel.

Brazil Export


RIO 2016

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Working hours


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Working days:




9.00 AM - 5.00 PM

Embassy of Brazil

3, Dareen Street
Diplomatic Quarter
P.O.Box 94348, Riyadh 11693
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Telephone: +966 11 4880025/4880018/4880032/4801810
Fax: +966 11 4881073

Ambassador's Office:  423/425
Consular Section: 402/403/404
Commercial Section: 413/414/415
Admin/Accounts: 400/417

General: [email protected]
Consular: [email protected]
Commercial: [email protected]