


Brazilian Government-Federal

The Brazilian federation constituted, already in 1891, an old aspiration of the political elites as a form of accommodating and generating important economic and regional diversities. Consecrated in the first republican Constitution, in accordance with the North-American model, the federation, in practice, implied excessive autonomyy of state governments, which rapidly consolidated themselves as political oligarchies. The dispute for federal resources became, in time, a conflict between states, which did not feel embarrassment in using federal forces, momentarily under their control, to oust enemies in control of other states. However, this arrangement would only be broken when a dissension reached the criteria for the occupation of the Presidency of the Republic. A coalition of state forces unsatisfied with the result of presidential elections was the main agent of the 1930 Revolution, which would suspend for over 15 years states' autonomies.

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Brazilian Government

Electoral System: Elections in Brazil are conducted under a system of universal suffrage and secret ballot. Electoral enrolment and voting are mandatory for all literate citizens between the ages of 18 and 70, but voluntary for the illiterate and those aged 16-17 and over 70.

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Brazilian Economy


Historical Perspective

Until the beginning of the 20th century the Brazilian economy was characterised by a succession of cycles, each based on the exploitation of a single export commodity: timber (brazilwood specifically) in the first decades of colonization;

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Ministry of External Relations

Responsible for advising the President of the Republic of Brazil on the formulation and execution of Brazilian foreign policy. The Ministry of External Relations - Itamaraty, as it is known - has three landmarks in its history. The first one was in 1750 with the signing..

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National Symbols

National Flag: Art. 3 - According to the constitutional dispositions, the national flag was adopted by Decree No 4, of 19 November 1889,

Read more: National Symbols

National Anthem

National Anthem: In Portuguese and English. The National Anthem of Brazil in Portuguese and its English Translation are as follows:

Read more: National Anthem

Brazil in Focus

This huge country of amazing complexity and beauty has a great many surprises in store for the foreigner. For some, it is the land of relaxation and spontaneity with football and carnival all year round, whilst for others it is a country of sun, sand and forest.

Read more: Brazil in Focus

Population in Brazil

2010 Population Censuses : The 2010 Population Census consisted of a meticulous survey of all the households in the country. Throughout the months of data collection and supervision, 191 thousand enumerators visited 67.6 million housing units in the 5,565 Brazilian 

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Geography of Brazil

Introduction: The valid values of areas of Brazil, its States and Municipalities are, according to the territorial setting effected on January, 1st, 2001, those presented in the Resolution of IBGE Presidency nº 5 (R.PR-5/02) of October, 10, 2002, published in Brazil’s Federal Register on

Read more: Geography of Brazil

Brazilian Parliament
Brazilian Senate
Ministry of External Rel.

Brazil Export


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Embassy of Brazil

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Diplomatic Quarter
P.O.Box 94348, Riyadh 11693
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Telephone: +966 11 4880025/4880018/4880032/4801810
Fax: +966 11 4881073

Ambassador's Office:  423/425
Consular Section: 402/403/404
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Admin/Accounts: 400/417

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